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VIN number history check is always recommended to
Gather more information about the vehicle such as odometer roll back, motor vehicle entries, type of current title, flood-fire claims, lease-rental vehicle and much more. This information along with a 600 point inspection will be enough to determine the true value of the vehicle and help you negotiate a better deal with
The seller.. This link will take you to Carfax .com for V IN history.
Wondering if the selling price is of fair market value? This link will take you to the national auto dealer’s association web site for pricing guide search. nada pricing is used in our area by most dealers.
Sharkmatic Advertising is the ad agency that designed this new website. They are a cool little ad agency specializing in very creative, quick turn-a-round, low cost, sales-oriented marketing solutions. Sharkmatic utilizes edgy as well as traditional marketing approaches. They are a team of several creative, marketing savvy professionals that have served hundreds of clients over the past 20 years.
Car Buying Tips
The used car industry is a billion dollar a day business! This industry is attractive to the dishonest and deceitful, because of laxed regulation and enforcement. Many of the elements that make up the used car industry actually create a breeding ground for the unethical and unlawful. . .