Warranty Tips
All manufacture base warranties vary but what they all share in common is the start time and mileage limit (whichever comes first). Be advised that the warranty start date is the original date of sale (when the car was originally purchased new).example: car production Date 09-03 considered a 2004 model but sold In 10-02-03. Start date is 10-02-03. Many people think because the car is a 2004, the warranty starts in 2004. (not true). To be sure contact the appropriate dealer and ask the service department to run the vin number for the correct start date and warranty history. All dealers have a Link to the manufactures warranty database and can tell you the warranty rep/\ir history also.
!!!!!Here’s how we can help you!!!!! By franchise agreement the dealer cannot sell warranty work. (in other words) they cannot tell you all the things wrong with the car before falling out of warranty but if you tell them what’s wrong they can repair the warranty items at no charge and not risk franchise guidelines.
Lemon busters can perform our 600 point inspection which includes lifting vehicle, computer scan, pull drum wheels (when needed under ½ ton), frame, mechanical, electrical and all major component inspection. With the results and repair estimate provided, you will have what you need to get the car repaired "before falling out of warranty and at the manufactures expense".
Many people have had to pay thousands of dollars for after warranty repairs that (if they would have known ahead of time) would have been covered under warranty. Please join the hundreds of customers that have already taken advantage of our service.
"We’re all about helping you!"
8:00 a.m-6:00 p.m
Car Buying Tips
The used car industry is a billion dollar a day business! This industry is attractive to the dishonest and deceitful, because of laxed regulation and enforcement. Many of the elements that make up the used car industry actually create a breeding ground for the unethical and unlawful. . .